Invoice Financing: A Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises in Singapore

Invoice financing, also known as factoring invoices, can be a valuable tool for SMEs seeking to optimise their working capital and maintain healthy cash flow. This type of financing is provided by financial companies, such as business credit and finance providers. Businesses can access funds tied up in accounts receivable through receivables financing, providing a […]

Types of Invoice Financing Available for Businesses in Singapore

If you’re a Singapore-based business owner, you know that maintaining a healthy cash flow is crucial to the success of your business. One solution that can greatly assist you in managing your cash flow more effectively is invoice financing. With invoice financing, you have the opportunity to leverage your unpaid invoices as collateral to secure […]

Finance Optimisation: Common Consulting Services for SMEs in Singapore

If you own a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) in Singapore, you may greatly benefit from professional finance consulting firms that help manage company funds. These valuable services can provide expert guidance and support in managing your company funds and ensuring strict regulatory compliance, as well as uncovering untapped growth opportunities aligning with your business […]

A Definitive Guide to Hiring a Financial Consultant

Are you looking to hire a financial consultant to help you achieve your financial goals? Whether you’re an individual looking to manage your finances or a business owner seeking expert finance optimisation advice, hiring a financial consultant can be a great investment. However, finding the right financial consultant can be a daunting task. With so […]

Factoring: Pros and Cons for Businesses

Invoice factoring, a financial strategy used by many businesses in Singapore, is a process of selling your accounts receivable to a third-party company for a fee. This factoring fee is based on the amount of the invoice and the creditworthiness of the invoice debtor, and it can range from 1% to 5% or more.  Factoring, […]

Factoring Loan Application in Singapore: A Definitive Guide

Are you currently facing challenges with cash flow issues in your business’s finances? Are accounts receivables hindering the growth of your business? Consider receivable financing or invoice factoring to alleviate these challenges. Or perhaps you’re actively looking for investment firms and companies that factor interest in expanding your company? If you need financing, factoring loans […]

Types of Businesses Eligible for an Enterprise Development Grant in Singapore

If you’re a business owner in Singapore looking to propel your enterprise to new heights of growth and development, the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is an excellent avenue to explore. This grant offers financial assistance to businesses spanning different sectors to enhance their capabilities, foster innovation, and expand their business presence globally. The EDG funding […]

Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) in Singapore: An Overview

If you’re a thriving business company in Singapore, and eager to elevate your operations to new heights with marketing projects, then you’re in luck! The government of Singapore offers a range of grants and initiatives to support local enterprises, including the game-changing Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) for startups.  The EDG is designed to assist startups […]

Business Consultant in Singapore: Your Ultimate Hiring Guide

Are you a business owner in Singapore looking to enhance your business strategies and planning? Consider hiring a management consultant from a reputable consulting firm or consultancy. Have you considered hiring a professional business consultant? A financial consultancy firm can offer valuable expertise, skills, and insights to help businesses achieve their goals. Financial consultants are […]

Business Planning Consultant: Why You Need One

In businesses, the quest for sustainable growth and competitive advantage is an ongoing opportunity. It requires thorough market research to stay ahead of the competition. Businesses, regardless of their size or industry, often encounter intricate challenges that demand innovative solutions and strategic guidance.  Great business consultants can help companies develop effective business strategies and plans. […]